New normal; how I’m coping during all the uncertainty

Hey lovelies,

How are you all keeping? I know it’s been a minute since I’ve posted anything on here, but I think it’s about time I got back to sharing life with all of you. As I’m sat here writing this blogpost, I just can’t believe we are already half way through the year of 2021.

Like… how is there only 6 months of the year to go?!?

I repeat, HOW?!?

With the pandemic still lurking about, life for so many of us, may still feel very repetitive and filled with endless uncertainties. However, with every passing day, it’s important to remember that YOU have the ability to regain power over YOUR life.

Over the last few months, I personally have gone through a whirlwind of emotions – I’ve experienced so many highs and just as many lows, but by reminding myself that better days lie ahead, I found the strength to carry on, and continue to do so, even on the hard days.

At this present moment I am lucky enough to be living life in the beautiful island of Cyprus. In March, I somehow managed to land the job of my dreams, during a pandemic, over seas and in the sun! How lucky is that?, and it’s all because I stopped allowing current situations I found myself in, to limit me.

So, to those of you feeling powerless over the direction and course of your life – today I encourage you, to acknowledge the real and ever present uncertainties you are faced with. Then begin to focus on the things you can control, while allowing for and accepting that uncertainty is a natural and inevitable part of each and everyone of our lives, with or without the pandemic. The truth is, in order to take control over your life, we need to learn to better tolerate, and even embrace the inevitable uncertainties that come our way.

By doing so, some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives will unfold because “when nothing is certain everything seems possible”.

Love, Nyasha x

June Favourites

Hi lovelies,

I know I haven’t been posting much lately, but I’m back! – and hopefully more consistently with a blog post every week. This week I would love to share some of my June favourites with each of you.

So here we gooooo!


If you follow me on my personal Instagram @niiash_a, you know I’ve been investing in skincare products throughout quarantine. Here are a few products I’ve been loving throughout the month of June;


I purchased this Sage Shacket from Missguided, and it has quickly became a staple piece in my wardrobe.

It’s such a versatile item of clothing because I can wear it with almost everything and anything!


Here are a few of my music favourites of the month.

Clearly some of these have been influenced by Tik Tok …


Netflix and Disney+ are great and all – but quality Youtube content is top tier… I’m sure I’m not the only person who’s been binging youtube during quarantine.

These are a few of my favourite videos from the month of June;

I really hope you enjoyed this blog filled with monthly favourites. Please let me know if you watch/listen/purchase any of the videos, music and products I have mentioned.

See you all super soon!

Love, Nyasha x