New Year, New Decade.

Hi lovelies,

Happy New Year! 2019 has come and gone, and a new decade has finally arrived. The last year has been truly amazing! I grew as an individual, learnt valuable life lessons and learnt to appreciate the ugly that sometimes comes with the good in life. In today’s blog post I wanted to share three tips on how to slay the coming year!

If you are anything like the rest of the population, the new year often comes with the pressure to change up your life in order to be the best possible version of you.

However, this facade can sometimes be so detrimental to our wellbeing, as it often adds unnecessary pressure to succeed.

The use of social media often adds to this, as our feeds slowly become filled with endless #goals, gym updates and healthy eating posts – and although these can all be a source of encouragement to the rest of us – dwelling on posts like this on a day to day basis can sometimes do more harm than good.

But just before we allow the January blues to get to us, I wanted to share a few ways to make this year your very own!

*Remember it’s never too late*

1. Reflect

You only have one life, so make the most out of it!

Every year is a fresh start, a whole new chapter to rewrite YOUR destiny, YOUR hopes and YOUR dreams.

Not the dreams of the people you follow on Instagram, or the people that surround you on a daily basis.

But your own!

So take some time to reflect on the last year.

Reflect on mistakes, downfalls and shortcomings , and make a plan to ensure that you come out stronger this year.

Identify your weaknesses, establish ground rules and stop undermining your worth!

“Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try”

2. Write down YOUR goals

The process of writing down your goals allows you to refocus your attention on what really matters.

There’s just something about being able, to see your goals, all written in one place, that is so motivating.

By writing down your aspirations, you create a physical reminder of what you hope to achieve – something that you can always look at when you feel demotivated.

So make some time, grab a notebook and start writing down your heart desires!

As Steve Maraboli once said, “If you have a goal. Write it down. If you do not write it down, you do not have a goal – you have a wish.”

3. Only make time for things that bring you joy

I think we can all agree that life is so much better when you spend time doing the things that you enjoy.

So this year I challenge everyone reading this, to make as much time for things that put a smile on our faces.

You would be surprised, at how much your life could change by simply taking time out of your mundane day to day tasks, to find ways to incorporate the things and people you love.

When we spend time doing the things we love, we become happier, healthier and more successful, because our lives are driven by passion and not by the endless demands of life.

January 2020, and the months that follow, are all brand new opportunities, for all of us, to create the life of our dreams!

Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back!

Start doing you, for you!

Love, Nyasha x