Lockdown, yet again…

Hi lovelies,

I hope you’re all keeping well, despite some of us being back under lockdown.

Yes, you read that right, lockdown número dos, for the unlucky residents of Kildare, Laois and Offaly.

Regardless of the circumstances, let’s try not to lose hope.

We’ve all been through a lockdown before, and despite how hard it was. We got through it!

So in everything that we do, and as we go about our day to day business, let’s continue to support one another through this strange season.

It’s important we don’t lose hope of a better tomorrow, because of the current circumstances we may face. In times like this, I think it’s important to tell ourselves, to …

“Stop being afraid of what can go wrong and start being positive about what can go right”

In due time things will get better, but till then let’s all continue to make a conscious effort to do our part to minimize the risk.

Love, Nyasha x

New Year, New Decade.

Hi lovelies,

Happy New Year! 2019 has come and gone, and a new decade has finally arrived. The last year has been truly amazing! I grew as an individual, learnt valuable life lessons and learnt to appreciate the ugly that sometimes comes with the good in life. In today’s blog post I wanted to share three tips on how to slay the coming year!

If you are anything like the rest of the population, the new year often comes with the pressure to change up your life in order to be the best possible version of you.

However, this facade can sometimes be so detrimental to our wellbeing, as it often adds unnecessary pressure to succeed.

The use of social media often adds to this, as our feeds slowly become filled with endless #goals, gym updates and healthy eating posts – and although these can all be a source of encouragement to the rest of us – dwelling on posts like this on a day to day basis can sometimes do more harm than good.

But just before we allow the January blues to get to us, I wanted to share a few ways to make this year your very own!

*Remember it’s never too late*

1. Reflect

You only have one life, so make the most out of it!

Every year is a fresh start, a whole new chapter to rewrite YOUR destiny, YOUR hopes and YOUR dreams.

Not the dreams of the people you follow on Instagram, or the people that surround you on a daily basis.

But your own!

So take some time to reflect on the last year.

Reflect on mistakes, downfalls and shortcomings , and make a plan to ensure that you come out stronger this year.

Identify your weaknesses, establish ground rules and stop undermining your worth!

“Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try”

2. Write down YOUR goals

The process of writing down your goals allows you to refocus your attention on what really matters.

There’s just something about being able, to see your goals, all written in one place, that is so motivating.

By writing down your aspirations, you create a physical reminder of what you hope to achieve – something that you can always look at when you feel demotivated.

So make some time, grab a notebook and start writing down your heart desires!

As Steve Maraboli once said, “If you have a goal. Write it down. If you do not write it down, you do not have a goal – you have a wish.”

3. Only make time for things that bring you joy

I think we can all agree that life is so much better when you spend time doing the things that you enjoy.

So this year I challenge everyone reading this, to make as much time for things that put a smile on our faces.

You would be surprised, at how much your life could change by simply taking time out of your mundane day to day tasks, to find ways to incorporate the things and people you love.

When we spend time doing the things we love, we become happier, healthier and more successful, because our lives are driven by passion and not by the endless demands of life.

January 2020, and the months that follow, are all brand new opportunities, for all of us, to create the life of our dreams!

Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back!

Start doing you, for you!

Love, Nyasha x

Why prioritizing yourself, is the best decision you’ll ever make

Hi lovelies,

How are you all keeping?

Before I dive into today’s blog post, I just want to apologize for the lack of content on this blog lately. The reality is that, college has finally decided to take its preeminence in my life again. Deadlines are beginning to pile up on me, and as a result, for the time being, I have no other choice but to prioritize my education, meaning content on the blog will now be limited to when I can, instead of on a weekly basis.

I am not saying goodbye, but I am just giving each of you a heads up, not to be expecting a weekly blog post as I was previously accustomed to. Instead I will try pop on as often as I can, with as much advice, updates and positive energy, as possible!

For the time being, I just want to say thank you for the continuous support that each of you have given me since starting – I honestly feel like I can never say it enough.

For all the shares, comments, words of encouragement and for simply taking the time to read what I put out. Thank you!

Anyways… enough of the soppy stuff. Let’s get into the topic, of today’s blog post;

Why prioritizing yourself, is the best decision you’ll ever make.

Growing up, I was always that child who would drop everything and anything to be there for the people around me.

I have a very giving personality and I never really knew my limit. I would bend backwards for people who would rarely do the same for me.

As I went through my teenage years, I quickly identified this trait and how detrimental it was becoming for me. I was beginning to feel exhausted, frustrated and even angry when I would not receive the same energy I would consistently give out.

I would question my self worth, identity, friendships and life itself. All because I had convinced myself that I loved being a giver. That I am someone everyone should be able to count on, when they are in need.

From a young age we are all taught that giving is the best way to show kindness.

We are all guilty at chorusing the idea that ‘sharing is caring’ – but never explaining to what extent. No wonder why it becomes so easy for some of us to get caught up in unhealthy cycles that may begin to take a toil on our health.

When your constantly the one who gives and gives, you risk burning yourself out. Your well, begins to run dry, and as a result you begin to form resentful feelings.

If you relate to ever feeling any of the above emotions because of your tendency to give a little more than is necessary, I want to encourage you to find a balance.

Begin to identify when your giving out of love or when you’re giving out of guilt and negativity.

Unfortunately I can’t tell you exactly how to find this balance for yourself, but what I can share, is how doing so, for myself, has benefited me.

1. I began to value myself

As I mentioned above, over giving caused me to develop negative emotions. It took a significant toil on my self-esteem and made me question my self worth and value. I almost began to feel like it was normal for people to walk all over me. However, once I identified the negative emotions, that stemmed from giving too much. I quickly began to put value on myself.

Now I have learnt to quickly take two steps back, when I feel under appreciated or taken for granted.

I’m not saying that I expect to be thanked or praised when I go out of my way for someone, but if I’m constantly questioning the other individuals intentions, my time will quickly become limited.

2. My giving became much more genuine

If you were to ask me what my favorite characteristic, that I possess is, I would undoubtedly say that it is my giving spirit.

However at one point in time, I found myself giving for all the wrong reasons. I remember feeling guilty and under pressure, to do it all! To give, because it made me look good, or because I felt morally obliged to.

To overcome this, I had to learn to prioritize my own needs, and as a result, I started giving from a cheerful place, once again!

I took care of my own needs, which in turn gave me the energy necessary, to take care of, and put energy that was light, joyful and void of pressure, into others.

3. I began to focus on my own goals

When your a naturally giving person, it is very easy to focus entirely on other individuals, besides yourself.

You begin to focus all your time and energy into them, leaving little to no time for you. You slowly become sidetracked by their life, and slowly begin to divert all attention, away from your own ambitions and plans.

By balancing how much of me, I was giving to people, I began to regain my own zeal for life. I no longer craved that thrill, I got from helping people. I stopped allowing, giving to be the only drive I had in life. I realized I had more to offer!

Prioritizing myself, was and is one of the best decisions I have ever made, because it caused me to develop as an individual. I became an even happier person, because I grew to be content in myself, as opposed to being content in the way others saw me. I started to become (well at least tried…), as invested in myself as I was in others.

To whoever this has resonated with – I beg you to find your balance. Stop feeling guilty. Let go of the pressures of society.

Protect your energy, by prioritizing yourself.

Yes it’s all well and good, to be there for everyone and anyone, but if you can’t even be there for yourself, what good are you?

Reminder; You are allowed to help yourself before you help others.

Love, Nyasha x

Stop underestimating yourself

Hi lovelies,

Before I get into this weeks blogpost, I just want to say my sincere apologies for not posting one last week. I was honestly so exhausted by the time it got to the weekend, and just kept experiencing writing blocks whenever I sat down to write. Thankfully I’m well rested now, the sun is shining and I am feeling super motivated to conquer the week!

Yesterday as I was scrolling through Instagram, I came across a quote that read “Stop underestimating yourself”.

Tomorrow, I start my final year in college – and I’d be lying to you, if I was to say that, I wasn’t feeling worried and overwhelmed. Quite simply, the thoughts of ‘THE THESIS’ scare me! When I think about gathering all the research involved in it, I start to undermine not only my abilities but also myself.

For some reason, in my head I have managed to construct the belief that I am going to walk into my Research Project module and be flung into the deep end with 0 assistance. However, in reality, I know this won’t be the case. I can be rest assured that my lecturers, friends and family will be there every step of the way – to offer guidance, support and encouragement when in need.

This year surely wont be the easiest but I will definitely pull through it.

“Sometimes when you are the closest to your breakthrough the pressure is the greatest. You have come too far to give up now!” – Joyce Meyer

Whether you are starting college, going into your final year, or embarking on a new life venture, do not underestimate yourself.

Believe in your abilities.

Each of us was born with the potential to do great things – but those great things can only come to flourish when we believe.

“You must expect great things of yourself, before you can do them”

Love, Nyasha x

My Midnight Lament

Hi lovelies,

As mentioned from the very creation of this blog – Nyasha’s Nook, is a space, I created to offer seclusion and security to those in need, including myself. In today’s blog post I wanted to take a more serious approach, which I hope will not only provide healing to me, but also to those around me who have been affected or who are in similar situations.

Without delving into the whole story, during the week, a situation arose, that caused me to utter the words – ‘I wish I was never abused’.

Later, as I was reflecting on those 5 small yet mighty words, I began to realize the effect everything was still having on my life, to this very day.

For many years I was aware, yet doubted the fact that I was ever a victim of such. However over the last year, I have come to realize that I was maltreated. I was taken advantage of, whether knowingly or unknowingly by certain individuals.

Without getting into the nitty gritty of it all, I still always question what my life would have been like, if I had never experienced the things I did. Would I have been more ambitious? Would I trust more? Would I have a higher self esteem? The queries only go on and on…

Despite the fact that the reality of it all, is horrific. I choose to not let it define me. I choose to let go of the hurt, bitterness and pain associated with the sheer thoughts of the experiences. I am deciding not to allow it to affect my life negatively any longer.

Yes, there will be days that it will be a lot harder to pick myself up from the bitterness, but I will at least make the effort to stand up tall, and to encourage those behind me.

The sad reality, is that, each of us has been abused in one way or another, whether sexually, physically, mentally, verbally, emotionally, financially and/or spiritually. These forms of abuse can occur, for both short and long periods of time, and their effects may vary from one individual to the next.

If you are reading this and you are/have been a victim of abuse, these affirmations are for you;

I am loved.

I am appreciated.

I am valued.

I will prosper.

I have a purpose.

I will succeed.

I will be patient with myself as I heal.

“Your past is just a story. And once you realize this it has no power over you” ~ Chuck Palahniuk

Love, Nyasha x

“You will overcome this”

Hi lovelies,

Yes, here I am, actually fulfilling my promise to deliver a second blog post this week. Congratulations to me!

Whilst scrolling through Instagram the other night (as you do), I came across a quote that read “YOU WILL OVERCOME THIS” – and I don’t know whether it was the pink writing the words were displayed on, or the words themselves that resonated with me. But I suddenly felt an undeniable sense of comfort.

I began to think about the post I saw on Instagram, at the start of the week, from an individual who was out for a walk but stumbled upon a teenager who had just received their results – under a tree branch with a rope straddling down, within seconds of taking their own life. I began to think about my family and friends who are going through times where they feel like all hope is gone. I also, began to think about me… and the things that worry me from time to time. The things I think I will never achieve or accomplish.

I then began to think about all the things that I had overcome, such as secondary school, consistent negative thinking, state exams and 2nd year college exams (cause those were a real struggle this year). I began to realize that at one point in time, I also believed that I would never overcome these things… but here I am. These things no longer give me any reason to cry or have anxious thoughts, concerning them.

Today I just wanted to encourage anyone and everyone… including myself, who may be reading this. I wanted to remind you that irrespective of the current tribulation you may be experiencing, YOU WILL OVERCOME! Trust me, I know it’s a lot easier to say when you are not in the moment yourself – but those 4 words hold a lot more truth than you may realize. You will overcome this, no matter what the situation may be. There is hope for you. You are not a failure. You are loved. You will succeed.

Love, Nyasha x

5 Ways to Look After Yourself

Hi lovelies,

Before I dive into today’s post, I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone near and far for all the support and words of encouragement since uploading my first blog post. I am truly grateful.

Today’s blog post is inspired by a conversation I had with one of my close friends last week, where they opened up about not being in a great place at the moment. This is something that each of us can relate to, at various points of our lives, but because of the many demands of life, often we do not attend to ourselves accordingly. Although we often neglect it, self care is crucial. Self care is defined as the actions one takes to attend to their physical, emotional, relational and spiritual well being. I have decided to share five of my go-to things I do when I am not feeling top-notch, that help me recharge and refocus.

1. Pray and Read the Bible

Praying, reading the bible and/or listening to gospel or worship music are things I find very soothing. Whenever I pray about something that is or has been worrying me I suddenly feel at ease concerning the issue that is consuming me. Reading the word, strengthens me if I am feeling weak and reminds me that God’s plans for me are much greater than I can ever imagine. Here are a few verses that encourage me;

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” – Jeremiah 29:11

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6

He has made everything beautiful in its time… -Ecclesiastes 3:11

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus -Philippians 4:6-7

God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day -Psalm 46:5

She is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future -Proverbs 31:25

I am with you always -Matthew 28:20

2. Drink Tea

Maybe it’s the ‘Irishness’ in me, but whenever I am stressed I suddenly crave nothing more than a cup of tea. Unfortunately, when I am anxious, the caffeine in tea sets my brain on overdrive which causes me to then overthink. However, a great alternative which still manages to calm my nerves is peppermint tea.

3. Pamper yourself

When I am feeling under the weather there is nothing I value more than my pamper kit (pictured above), which I store in my bed side locker for easy access. Although the application and use of face masks, eye masks and nail polish can often be time consuming, they leave your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The aromatic essential oils that are infused in many of these products relax the mind by stimulating your senses.

4. Listen to Music

If you asked me to define music in my own words, I would describe it as a medium that is capable of delivering various emotions to different people. As mentioned previously, gospel/worship music is a personal favorite of mine when I need that extra comfort. However, once I have had my dose of relaxing ‘me’ time, to continue the process of raising my spirits, I usually play my current favourite upbeat jams.

5. Talk to someone

“A problem shared is a problem halved”

A misconception a lot of us have is that, we are suddenly burdens to our loved ones when we share our problems, struggles and/or pain. This however, is not the case. Talking about things that affect you with another person, usually makes the situation seem less daunting and troubling. Just make sure that you are speaking to someone you trust and, that has your best interest at heart, so that you can be reassured that the advice you will get or be given will actually benefit you.

So there you have it, there are the five main things I do when I am not feeling like my best self. We are all wired differently as individuals, so things that work for me might not work for you, but it’s important to find healthy coping mechanisms to overcome lives endless hurdles. If you still haven’t found something that works for you, feel free to try one of mine listed above.

Remember you are never alone.

Love, Nyasha x